Check of ALL knowledge
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Description of the program
   Free editor tests to verify or obtain the knowledge in any field of human activity, and to identify the psychological characteristics of the character. Recommended: all educational institutions, private individuals and businesses wishing to check the qualifications of staff.
   The program has a positive opinion of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation ¹07-ÏÃ-Í04-24830.
   Detailed video on YouTube, from creation to passage test.
   More than 960 ready-made tests on the school curriculum, and 20 on women's psychology.
   There are five types of questions: 1) with a choice of one answer, 2) with one of several responses 3) rearrangement of the responses, 4) the selection of semantic couples 5) answer input from the keyboard.
   Uniquely fast download any tests.
   Three versions of the test: 1) exam, 2) training, 3) study.
   Passage of the school test in the normal mode and the exam.
   Test results are stored in a table and print it can be considered an official document.
   Ready test, you can print and receive answers of students on paper.
   The program works on a PC in the local network.
   Beautiful interface.
   Size: 13Mb
   Status: Free!
   Language: English \ Russian
   OS: All versions Windows
   Date: February 28, 2020
   Version: 18.5

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Author site: Alexey Murtazin, established june 20 2015.
Contacts: E-mail: / ICQ: 310631298
