Check of ALL knowledge
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The table of results

Section menu "File \ New results"
   First you need to create a table (do it without students). Open test, and then click File \ New results . If the name of the school is too long and you want to move a part of the name for a new line, insert the tag <br>.
   That students do not waste time typing their names, the names of pre-load the entire class into Notepad (example: Names.txt). Then File \ Add the names .
   When testing on multiple computers, save the file under a different name, for example: test01.rez, test02.rez, test03.rez then copy them to a computer, and in one folder. Open one of them and click File \ Enter password , then File \ Add the results . You will see a list of results that can be added. Just click "Accept". Even if the folder contains the results of the other tests, the program will ignore them, because finding the right files occurs on two criteria: 1) the name of the test, 2) the number of the class.
   After changing the name of the test, you need to change the name of the test and in the table.
   To print the table, click the Menu \ Save in HTML. Sign here, date, and a table can be considered as an official document!!!
   To open press F6.
   To save the table in format Excel open it, enter the password and press Ctrl + E .
The passed test
   When you save the information in the table of results in the folder Data file is automatically created with the answers of the test. To open them, click on the menu "File \ Passed test." Select the name of the test. Double-click on the desired name and type the password. Password is copied from the table of results.

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Author site: Alexey Murtazin, established june 20 2015.
Contacts: E-mail: / ICQ: 310631298